==== Ostracods ==== {{:ostracods03.jpg?nolink|}} * Bivalved Crustacea (related to the modern barnacle but are not attached to any substrate), free swimming but mainly benthonic, very rarely planktonic * geologic range: Cambrian?/Ordovician – Recent (“extant”) * inhabit almost any aqueous environment (even damp woodland leaf litter!) from fresh waters to fully marine (down to abyssal depths) * usually subordinate to other microfossils in terms of numbers recorded * useful in lacustrine oil basins * biostratigraphically significant in particular areas/intervals but subordinate to other fossil groups and therefore has relatively few practicing specialists {{:ostracods01.jpg?nolink|}} {{:ostracods02.jpg?nolink|}} //Left: An SEM photo of a recent ostracod. The carapace (shell) is usually separated from its partner on fossilisation. The animal itself is around 0.5mm in length. Right: Ostracods living on marine algae. The algae provides a “home” while the ostracods excrete nutrients for the algae.//