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  • considered by Armstrong and Brasier (2005) to be related to the ciliated (possessing tiny fronds which beat in waves used for locomotion and food-gathering) Tintinnids which are in turn considered to be protozoa (animals)
  • hyaline calcareous wall (true tintinnids have organic walls and are discussed herein among the palynomorphs), generally flask shaped
  • seldom recorded as loose specimens as they are very fragile – they are normally observed in thin-section
  • geologic range: Late Tithonian (latest Jurassic) – Early Valanginian (Early Cretaceous)
  • biostratigraphically significant in the Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic but with very few practicing specialists however relatively low numbers of species ensure that general microfossil workers can usually identify them

A calpionellid. These enigmatic organisms occur commonly around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary but in very few other time intervals.

calpionellids.txt · Last modified: 19/03/2023 10:23 by mike_gss

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