Family Tree Research
Our prices reflect time spent on research, not quantity of product. Some elements of a typical family tree are easy to establish but take longer to add "texture and detail" to your story. You could, for example, ask us prioritise pushing your family tree back as far into the past as possible and end up with a large tree of names and perhaps dates of births and deaths. Or you could ask us to try and establish more details about a smaller number of your ancestors - where did they live, how often did they relocate, what jobs did they have? The choice is yours and we will discuss your aims and objectives with you during your initial consultation.
Initial Consultation (approx 1 hour) - free

Research Days (price per day)

1 day: £175

2-4 days: £165

5+ days:  £145

Obtaining records - priced at cost (*)

Printed output (optional) - call for discussion
Research days consist of time spent searching for source evidence such as birth, baptism, marriage, death and burial records as well as census records. Other record sources (e.g. military service, law and probate) can also be searched.

Also included in this time is entering the discovered information into family tree database software with the documenting and "citing" the relevant sources to provide you with an independently verifiable set of authentic sources. Without verifiable sources a family tree may simply be a collection of random names with no basis in fact whatsoever. As they say - "Genealogy without documentation is mythology!"
(*) We locate records (sources) and provide citations for where they originate. Many sources are free, or obtainable by a subscription to several large family history databases. Some are purchasable from government agencies both here (such as the National Archives at Kew in London, and the General Register Office - the GRO) and abroad. Military service records are also purchasable by the same methods, but often involve written/postal applications.

We have accounts with the main online agencies for this purpose. We do not charge for sources located as the result of searches on free sites, or where an annual subscription is payable (these typically include census returns and the indexes of births, marriages and deaths) but we do recharge the cost price for sources which need to be purchased on a "per item" basis. This includes the General Register Office (GRO) and one of the main sources for Scottish ancestry - "Scotland's People" - neither of which has a subscription service and charges on a "per item" basis. We will discuss with you if and when such purchases may be necessary.

Typically, if available, a digital image of an entry in the births, marriages and deaths register (the actual entry itself, not the index of the entry) as held by the GRO costs about £7.00. Copies of typical items from "Scotland's People" range from £0.50 to £2.50. A copy of a person's military service record may cost between £15 and £50 depending on the service they belonged to and the type of record required.
Overcoming belief
Family stories have a whole lot to answer for. Sometimes they contain a germ of truth, slightly changed by each person they have passed through, like a game of Chinese whispers.
Helen Osborn - "Genealogy - Essential Research Methods"